MVVM and FRP: Architectures for Mobile Apps Part I
This is the first post in a series on architectures for mobile apps. I present an example app with different approaches and discuss the merits and downsides of each.

What Every Developer Must Know About READMEs
For Open Source projects on github.com a README file is mandatory. But what about your company’s internal and proprietary project? In this post I will tell you why having a README file is essential for ANY project and what it should (and should not) contain.

Trojan Asteroids
An updated version of my “trojan asteroids tutorial” that I initially posted in 1997.

2023-08-13 | Breaking Free: How I Ditched Google Services
A few months ago I refactored this site and replace all Google services with either self-hosted alternatives or remove them entirely.
2023-03-28 | MVVM and FRP: Architectures for Mobile Apps Part 2
This is the second part of my series on iOS app architecture. This part delves into functional reactive programming and its integration with the MVVM pattern.
2023-03-24 | Using Swift Modules
In this blog post, I refactor an existing repository by incorporating Swift modules. While certain aspects of this process were smooth sailing, I encountered challenges along the way. Join me as I share my experiences and insights.